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Cops for Cancer in support of the Canadian Cancer Society

Edmonton Canada Day Road Race - 2014
15K Walk


Rank Clock Time Pace/km Chip Time/km Bib First name Last name Gender Division Gender Rank Division Rank
1 1:21:24.7 5:26 1:21:24.7 2 Glen Bodet M M46-59 1/15 1/10
2 1:21:59.9 5:28 1:21:59.9 47 Philip Vesty M M46-59 2/15 2/10
3 1:34:08.3 6:17 1:34:08.3 51 ian Lamplough M M46-59 3/15 3/10
4 1:45:09.1 7:01 1:45:09.1 50 Linda M Youell F F60+ 1/31 1/6
5 1:52:58.2 7:32 1:52:58.2 21 Bill Johnson M M60+ 4/15 1/4
6 1:53:23.4 7:34 1:53:23.4 54 HARM HAZEKAMP M M60+ 5/15 2/4
7 1:53:23.4 7:34 1:53:23.4 45 Garry Stone M M46-59 6/15 4/10
8 1:55:25.4 7:42 1:55:25.4 40 maureen sanborn F F46-59 2/31 1/17
9 2:05:17.9 8:22 2:05:17.9 37 helen rae F F60+ 3/31 2/6
10 2:08:06.7 8:33 2:08:06.7 5 Dave Couture M M60+ 7/15 3/4
11 2:08:08.2 8:33 2:08:08.2 3 Carole Cheslock F F46-59 4/31 2/17
12 2:09:38.8 8:39 2:09:38.8 11 Robin Ferguson F F60+ 5/31 3/6
13 2:09:39.1 8:39 2:09:39.1 8 Mary Ann Empson F F60+ 6/31 4/6
14 2:09:39.7 8:39 2:09:39.7 29 Kathy Morgan F F46-59 7/31 3/17
15 2:13:05.8 8:53 2:13:05.8 20 Kathy Howery F F46-59 8/31 4/17
16 2:16:11.2 9:05 2:16:11.2 32 john oconnor M M46-59 8/15 5/10
17 2:16:11.3 9:05 2:16:11.3 31 charlene oconnor F F46-59 9/31 5/17
18 2:19:52.7 9:20 2:19:52.7 9 Brad Fawcett M M46-59 9/15 6/10
19 2:22:25.4 9:30 2:22:25.4 12 KATHY FISCHER F F46-59 10/31 6/17
20 2:22:26.1 9:30 2:22:26.1 48 Bob WILLIAMSON M M46-59 10/15 7/10
21 2:23:41.0 9:35 2:23:41.0 33 Camille Pele F F29- 11/31 1/5
22 2:23:41.2 9:35 2:23:41.2 35 Julie Pele F F29- 12/31 2/5
23 2:23:41.4 9:35 2:23:41.4 36 Lynn Pele F F30-45 13/31 1/3
24 2:23:46.8 9:36 2:23:46.8 34 Josee Pele F F29- 14/31 3/5
25 2:24:54.2 9:40 2:24:54.2 22 Jennifer Keating F F46-59 15/31 7/17
26 2:25:01.5 9:41 2:25:01.5 6 robert cyr M M46-59 11/15 8/10
27 2:25:25.6 9:42 2:25:25.6 46 Roman Sus M M46-59 12/15 9/10
28 2:26:03.8 9:45 2:26:03.8 19 Lynn Howard F F60+ 16/31 5/6
29 2:26:05.3 9:45 2:26:05.3 18 Bob Howard M M60+ 13/15 4/4
30 2:27:51.9 9:52 2:27:51.9 17 KYM HOLDEN F F46-59 17/31 8/17
31 2:28:09.9 9:53 2:28:09.9 24 Laura-Lee Linehan F F46-59 18/31 9/17
32 2:28:10.5 9:53 2:28:10.5 26 Lynn MacNeill-Wertz F F46-59 19/31 10/17
33 2:29:00.7 9:57 2:29:00.7 25 Mary MacDonald F F46-59 20/31 11/17
34 2:29:05.1 9:57 2:29:05.1 13 Jackie Foord F F46-59 21/31 12/17
35 2:31:56.3 10:08 2:31:56.3 4 Melissa Cloutier F F29- 22/31 4/5
36 2:35:54.1 10:24 2:35:54.1 30 Chris Normandeau M M30-45 14/15 1/1
37 2:35:55.0 10:24 2:35:55.0 1 Daria Belseck F F30-45 23/31 2/3
38 2:38:11.0 10:33 2:38:11.0 53 ANNIE EZIO F F46-59 24/31 13/17
39 2:38:11.7 10:33 2:38:11.7 7 Claire Dowbiggin Klug F F60+ 25/31 6/6
40 2:44:37.5 10:59 2:44:37.5 43 Cindy Schriner F F46-59 26/31 14/17
41 2:52:19.6 11:30 2:52:19.6 38 Meghan Rayment F F29- 27/31 5/5
42 2:52:20.0 11:30 2:52:20.0 39 Natalie Rayment F F30-45 28/31 3/3
43 3:02:36.9 12:11 3:02:36.9 52 Annette Trimbee F F46-59 29/31 15/17
44 3:02:37.5 12:11 3:02:37.5 49 SUSAN WRIGHT F F46-59 30/31 16/17
45 3:03:48.9 12:16 3:03:48.9 14 Lisa Marie Gaudreau F F46-59 31/31 17/17
46 3:03:49.8 12:16 3:03:49.8 16 Clayton Hobbs M M46-59 15/15 10/10

Results by: Ellis Timing

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