Ramassage en bordure de trottoir gratuit ou expédition par voie terrestre gratuite en classe économique pour les commandes de 50$ ou plus







Cops for Cancer in support of the Canadian Cancer Society

Canada Day Road Race 2012
15K Run


Classement Temps du Chrono Cadence/km Dossard First name Last name City Sexe Division Classement par Sexe Classement par Division
1 51:51 3:28 830 Tom McGrath Edmonton M M2029 1/280 1/45
2 52:11 3:29 409 Robert Renman Camrose M M4049 2/280 1/70
3 52:21 3:30 472 Chris Stone Edmonton M M3039 3/280 1/70
4 53:05 3:33 939 David Brown M M2029 4/280 2/45
5 54:29 3:38 340 Niall McGrath Edmonton M M3039 5/280 2/70
6 54:33 3:39 325 Kevin Masters Edmonton M M4049 6/280 2/70
7 55:18 3:42 797 Sean Barr Edmonton M M4049 7/280 3/70
8 55:36 3:43 170 David Guss Calgary M M5059 8/280 1/71
9 55:49 3:44 405 Aj Rankel Edmonton M M4049 9/280 4/70
10 55:54 3:44 836 Greg Meiklejohn Edmonton M M5059 10/280 2/71
11 56:36 3:47 45 Daniel Brewster Edmonton M M2029 11/280 3/45
12 57:39 3:51 856 Sergio Perez Edmonton M M3039 12/280 3/70
13 57:40 3:51 178 Lisa Harvey Calgary F F4049 1/288 1/85
14 57:49 3:52 911 Shane Andersen Edmonton M M4049 13/280 5/70
15 58:02 3:53 831 Jace Dergousoff Edmonton M M2029 14/280 4/45
16 58:41 3:55 136 Warren Fink Spruce Grove M M3039 15/280 4/70
17 58:54 3:56 175 Craig Harris Edmonton M M4049 16/280 6/70
18 59:01 3:57 176 Scott Harris Edmonton M M3039 17/280 5/70
19 59:14 3:57 101 Kevin Dennis Edmonton M M4049 18/280 7/70
20 59:23 3:58 133 Stefan Fekner Edmonton M M60+ 19/280 1/21
21 59:40 3:59 84 Greg Cruickshank Waskatenau M M2029 20/280 5/45
22 1:00:00 4:00 314 Shannon Maisano St. Albert F F3039 2/288 1/78
23 1:00:00 4:00 940 Benjamin O'Brien Edmonton M M2029 21/280 6/45
24 1:00:05 4:01 476 Tara Struyk Edmonton F F3039 3/288 2/78
25 1:00:33 4:03 468 Brian Stewart Edmonton M M5059 22/280 3/71
26 1:00:53 4:04 933 Wes Semler Pickardville M M3039 23/280 6/70
27 1:01:42 4:07 267 Mietek Kundera edmonton M M5059 24/280 4/71
28 1:01:55 4:08 367 Tj Mussbacher Edmonton M M2029 25/280 7/45
29 1:02:11 4:09 438 Jodi Sanguin Red Deer F F2029 4/288 1/57
30 1:02:36 4:11 789 Graeme Bredo Red Deer M M2029 26/280 8/45
31 1:02:40 4:11 919 Chris Dawe Sherwood Park M M2029 27/280 9/45
32 1:02:41 4:11 833 Paul Kirwan Wetaskiwin M M2029 28/280 10/45
33 1:02:46 4:12 790 Jakob Claffey Edmonton M M2029 29/280 11/45
34 1:02:49 4:12 278 Steve Lawlor St. John's M M4049 30/280 8/70
35 1:02:55 4:12 799 Stephen Routledge Edmonton M M2029 31/280 12/45
36 1:02:56 4:12 791 Greg Sasaki edmonton M M4049 32/280 9/70
37 1:03:03 4:13 792 Ryan Achtymichuk vegreville M M2029 33/280 13/45
38 1:03:21 4:14 923 Alissa St. Laurent Edmonton F F2029 5/288 2/57
39 1:03:43 4:15 877 Lars Callsen EDMONTON M M2029 34/280 14/45
40 1:03:54 4:16 406 Richard Raymond Orleans M M3039 35/280 7/70
41 1:04:02 4:17 293 Andre Lessard Edmonton M M2029 36/280 15/45
42 1:04:06 4:17 80 Bill Corcoran Grande Prairie M M5059 37/280 5/71
43 1:04:21 4:18 227 Jeff Johnson St. Albert M M4049 38/280 10/70
44 1:04:35 4:19 458 Kerry Spearing Edmonton F F2029 6/288 3/57
45 1:04:46 4:20 12 Claudette Augert Edmonton F F4049 7/288 2/85
46 1:04:52 4:20 300 Gerhard Lotz Camrose M M5059 39/280 6/71
47 1:04:56 4:20 100 Ray Decorby Edmonton M M4049 40/280 11/70
48 1:05:14 4:21 423 Carla Rodriguez Dimitrescu edmonton F F2029 8/288 4/57
49 1:05:25 4:22 32 Cory Boddy Edmonton M M3039 41/280 8/70
50 1:06:18 4:26 128 Clayton Erickson Sherwood Park M M4049 42/280 12/70
51 1:06:18 4:26 519 Robert Ward Edmonton M M0119 43/280 1/3
52 1:06:29 4:26 868 Don Law EDMONTON M M5059 44/280 7/71
53 1:06:52 4:28 382 Don Paterson St. Albert M M5059 45/280 8/71
54 1:06:59 4:28 333 Jon McCully Sturgeon County M M3039 46/280 9/70
55 1:07:05 4:29 483 Natalia Szynkarczuk Edmonton F F2029 9/288 5/57
56 1:07:06 4:29 463 Melissa Stanton Edmonton F F4049 10/288 3/85
57 1:07:22 4:30 38 A. Danielle Bourgeois Edmonton F F3039 11/288 3/78
58 1:07:27 4:30 81 Marlene Corcoran Grande Prairie F F4049 12/288 4/85
59 1:07:28 4:30 522 Stephen Weber Calgary M M4049 47/280 13/70
60 1:07:28 4:30 397 Carey Prins St Albert M M5059 48/280 9/71
61 1:07:30 4:30 292 Warren Lesenko edmonton M M4049 49/280 14/70
62 1:07:38 4:31 2 Alex Abboud Edmonton M M3039 50/280 10/70
63 1:07:39 4:31 507 Xavier Videla Edmonton M M2029 51/280 16/45
64 1:07:47 4:32 355 Scott Messenger edmonton M M3039 52/280 11/70
65 1:07:50 4:32 245 Bill Kenny Edmonton M M5059 53/280 10/71
66 1:07:51 4:32 309 Sarah MacKinnon Drayton Valley F F2029 13/288 6/57
67 1:07:51 4:32 199 Jon Holt Edmonton M M3039 54/280 12/70
68 1:08:02 4:33 875 Max Findlay EDMONTON M M5059 55/280 11/71
69 1:08:09 4:33 824 Chris Stacey St Albert M M2029 56/280 17/45
70 1:08:12 4:33 24 Amy Benson Edmonton F F2029 14/288 7/57
71 1:08:12 4:33 899 Paul Klann EDMONTON M M4049 57/280 15/70
72 1:08:20 4:34 793 Susan MacDonald Lacombe F F5059 15/288 1/51
73 1:08:23 4:34 874 Gerhardt Klann EDMONTON M M3039 58/280 13/70
74 1:08:28 4:34 429 David Rowland Edmonton M M60+ 59/280 2/21
75 1:08:35 4:35 161 Chris Gordon Edmonton M M2029 60/280 18/45
76 1:08:42 4:35 482 Michelle Symington Edmonton F F2029 16/288 8/57
77 1:08:59 4:36 855 Peter Gould Edmonton M M2029 61/280 19/45
78 1:09:03 4:37 857 Jeff Roth st. Albert M M3039 62/280 14/70
79 1:09:08 4:37 6 Kris Anderson Edmonton M M3039 63/280 15/70
80 1:09:10 4:37 15 Mike Baldigara Edmonton M M5059 64/280 12/71
81 1:09:25 4:38 29 Stacey Bisch Edmonton F F3039 17/288 4/78
82 1:09:30 4:38 546 Omar Yepez edmonton M M2029 65/280 20/45
83 1:09:31 4:39 368 Roy Narten Edmonton M M5059 66/280 13/71
84 1:09:39 4:39 304 Tanya L'Heureux Edmonton F F2029 18/288 9/57
85 1:09:40 4:39 893 Andrea Fiechter EDMONTON F F4049 19/288 5/85
86 1:09:43 4:39 390 Lauren Phillips Edmonton F F3039 20/288 5/78
87 1:09:43 4:39 120 Nicholas Dyjach Edmonton M M2029 67/280 21/45
88 1:09:49 4:40 118 David Dyer Edmonton M M5059 68/280 14/71
89 1:09:49 4:40 825 Ian Brisbin Hamilton M M3039 69/280 16/70
90 1:10:05 4:41 910 Diane Boisvert Edmonton F F5059 21/288 2/51
91 1:10:26 4:42 337 Tim McFadyen Sherwood Park M M2029 70/280 22/45
92 1:10:48 4:44 232 Omer Jomha edmonton M M3039 71/280 17/70
93 1:11:04 4:45 832 Blair Day Edmonton M M2029 72/280 23/45
94 1:11:11 4:45 242 Cindy Keith Edmonton F F4049 22/288 6/85
95 1:11:11 4:45 108 Marvin Dobish St. Albert M M4049 73/280 16/70
96 1:11:23 4:46 307 Neil MacKay Edmonton M M4049 74/280 17/70
97 1:11:28 4:46 479 Lorne Sundby St Albert M M4049 75/280 18/70
98 1:11:43 4:47 238 Dean Keefe La Crete M M4049 76/280 19/70
99 1:11:43 4:47 327 Lindsay McAlpine Edmonton F F2029 23/288 10/57
100 1:11:46 4:48 922 Ryan MacKenzie Edmonton M M2029 77/280 24/45
101 1:11:49 4:48 343 Nathan McLachlan Edmonton M M2029 78/280 25/45
102 1:12:13 4:49 240 Karen Keefe La Crete F F4049 24/288 7/85
103 1:12:14 4:49 380 Wayne Parchem Sherwood Park M M4049 79/280 20/70
104 1:12:16 4:50 403 Don Randall Edmonton M M5059 80/280 15/71
105 1:12:25 4:50 22 Graham Beck Edmonton M M4049 81/280 21/70
106 1:12:25 4:50 76 Richard Colwell Sherwood Park M M5059 82/280 16/71
107 1:12:32 4:51 844 Greg Pollon St. Albert M M4049 83/280 22/70
108 1:12:35 4:51 234 James Jones St Albert M M3039 84/280 18/70
109 1:12:35 4:51 256 Michelle Kobewka St. Albert F F2029 25/288 11/57
110 1:12:40 4:51 935 Steve Searle Camrose M M4049 85/280 23/70
111 1:12:41 4:51 171 Leslie Halak Spruce Grove F F2029 26/288 12/57
112 1:12:44 4:51 383 Linda Paulic Edmonton F F4049 27/288 8/85
113 1:12:50 4:52 891 Jenna Bagnell EDMONTON F F3039 28/288 6/78
114 1:12:55 4:52 258 Andrew Kolodziejczyk Stony Plain M M3039 86/280 19/70
115 1:12:58 4:52 14 Raja Bajwa Edmonton M M3039 87/280 20/70
116 1:13:03 4:53 321 William Martens Edmonton M M3039 88/280 21/70
117 1:13:13 4:53 122 Allan Effa Edmonton M M5059 89/280 17/71
118 1:13:13 4:53 339 Monica McGrath Edmonton F F4049 29/288 9/85
119 1:13:14 4:53 115 Michelle Duiker Ardrossan F F3039 30/288 7/78
120 1:13:14 4:53 96 Angelica De Leon Edmonton F F2029 31/288 13/57
121 1:13:19 4:54 400 Kevin Quick Edmonton M M5059 90/280 18/71
122 1:13:21 4:54 10 Richard Arnold Edmonton M M3039 91/280 22/70
123 1:13:21 4:54 436 Geoff Sader Edmonton M M3039 92/280 23/70
124 1:13:24 4:54 930 Wesley Classen Edmonton M M2029 93/280 26/45
125 1:13:29 4:54 19 Dave Barefoot Edmonton M M5059 94/280 19/71
126 1:13:30 4:54 87 Lisa Cuthbertson St. Albert F F4049 32/288 10/85
127 1:13:31 4:55 145 Terry Freeman Edmonton M M5059 95/280 20/71
128 1:13:32 4:55 915 Jessica Palmer Edmonton F F3039 33/288 8/78
129 1:13:34 4:55 837 David Stuart Edmonton M M5059 96/280 21/71
130 1:13:42 4:55 363 Patrick Moore Fort Saskatchewan M M5059 97/280 22/71
131 1:13:49 4:56 296 David Liu Edmonton M M4049 98/280 24/70
132 1:13:59 4:56 481 Tom Switzer Busby M M4049 99/280 25/70
133 1:14:02 4:57 478 Michelle Suda Edmonton F F2029 34/288 14/57
134 1:14:03 4:57 275 Paul Lanni Edmonton M M3039 100/280 24/70
135 1:14:14 4:57 545 Anita Yates Edmonton F F60+ 35/288 1/9
136 1:14:23 4:58 528 Don Westlake Edmonton M M5059 101/280 23/71
137 1:14:24 4:58 202 Mykhaylo Hotsaliuk Edmonton M M3039 102/280 25/70
138 1:14:32 4:59 188 Freya Hik Edmonton F F0119 36/288 1/8
139 1:14:32 4:59 365 Lee Morrison Sherwood Park M M3039 103/280 26/70
140 1:14:37 4:59 150 Rhonda Gallelli Calgary F F5059 37/288 3/51
141 1:14:38 4:59 474 Noel Stowe Edmonton M M4049 104/280 26/70
142 1:14:39 4:59 183 David Heck Edmonton M M4049 105/280 27/70
143 1:14:44 4:59 878 Tim Brockelsby EDMONTON M M5059 106/280 24/71
144 1:14:49 4:60 246 Robyn Kerr Edmonton F F2029 38/288 15/57
145 1:14:59 4:60 141 Cam Forster St. Albert M M4049 107/280 28/70
146 1:15:02 5:01 308 Andrew MacKie Edmonton M M4049 108/280 29/70
147 1:15:03 5:01 470 Patrick Stolz Fort Saskatchewan M M4049 109/280 30/70
148 1:15:05 5:01 39 Jill Boychuk Edmonton F F4049 39/288 11/85
149 1:15:08 5:01 371 Stephen Newlands Edmonton M M4049 110/280 31/70
150 1:15:09 5:01 531 Edward Wiersma Sherwood Park M M5059 111/280 25/71
151 1:15:19 5:02 503 Jacques Van Der Merwe Edmonton M M3039 112/280 27/70
152 1:15:21 5:02 418 Jason Richardson Edmonton M M2029 113/280 27/45
153 1:15:22 5:02 906 Adam Ross EDMONTON M M2029 114/280 28/45
154 1:15:26 5:02 51 Colin Buchanan Edmonton M M0119 115/280 2/3
155 1:15:31 5:03 313 Neelam Mahil Edmonton F F3039 40/288 9/78
156 1:15:36 5:03 47 Roger Brown Edmonton M M4049 116/280 32/70
157 1:15:40 5:03 352 Murray Meads Edmonton M M5059 117/280 26/71
158 1:15:54 5:04 164 Pishoy Gouda Leduc M M2029 118/280 29/45
159 1:15:59 5:04 156 Zedingle (ze Ghebremusse Edmonton M M60+ 119/280 3/21
160 1:15:59 5:04 445 Diana Shaw Edmonton F F4049 41/288 12/85
161 1:16:07 5:05 165 David Grabski Edmonton M M5059 120/280 27/71
162 1:16:10 5:05 892 Rachelle Gagnon EDMONTON F F3039 42/288 10/78
163 1:16:11 5:05 914 Kevin Hein Leduc M M3039 121/280 28/70
164 1:16:11 5:05 134 William Felix Edmonton M M4049 122/280 33/70
165 1:16:12 5:05 235 Michele Jones Spruce Grove F F4049 43/288 13/85
166 1:16:14 5:05 515 Brendon Ward Edmonton M M5059 123/280 28/71
167 1:16:18 5:06 63 Joe Chapman Edmonton M M4049 124/280 34/70
168 1:16:25 5:06 209 Murray Hunter Edmonton M M4049 125/280 35/70
169 1:16:27 5:06 11 Jane Ashton Sherwood Park F F5059 44/288 4/51
170 1:16:29 5:06 359 Peter Milne Edmonton M M60+ 126/280 4/21
171 1:16:29 5:06 124 Eduard Eksteen edmonton M M5059 127/280 29/71
172 1:16:31 5:07 105 Alexandra Dimitrescu Edmonton F F2029 45/288 16/57
173 1:16:35 5:07 372 Matthew Nicholson Armagh M M3039 128/280 29/70
174 1:16:41 5:07 236 Don Kadonaga Edmonton M M5059 129/280 30/71
175 1:16:47 5:08 33 Matt Boiko St. Albert M M5059 130/280 31/71
176 1:16:48 5:08 261 Michelle Koshka Sherwood Park F F4049 46/288 14/85
177 1:17:01 5:09 427 Andrew Ross Sherwood Park M M3039 131/280 30/70
178 1:17:04 5:09 147 Iona Frickleton Killin F F2029 47/288 17/57
179 1:17:05 5:09 89 Allan Damer St Albert M M5059 132/280 32/71
180 1:17:06 5:09 218 Monique Jamieson Edmonton F F4049 48/288 15/85
181 1:17:09 5:09 457 Ajay Sood Edmonton M M4049 133/280 36/70
182 1:17:11 5:09 415 Kendra Richards Edmontom F F0119 49/288 2/8
183 1:17:36 5:11 417 Susan Richards Edmontom F F4049 50/288 16/85
184 1:17:36 5:11 391 Amanda Pickard Sherwood Park F F2029 51/288 18/57
185 1:17:38 5:11 440 Ashley Schofield Edmonton F F3039 52/288 11/78
186 1:17:42 5:11 520 Kent Weare Calgary M M3039 134/280 31/70
187 1:17:51 5:12 912 John Carualho Edmonton M M3039 135/280 32/70
188 1:18:09 5:13 387 Dave Pfeifle edmonton M M4049 136/280 37/70
189 1:18:09 5:13 252 Ryan Kjorlien Edmonton M M2029 137/280 30/45
190 1:18:14 5:13 394 Mike Power Edmonton M M4049 138/280 38/70
191 1:18:16 5:14 840 Norm Bishop Edmonton F F60+ 53/288 2/9
192 1:18:16 5:14 839 Megan Bishop Edmonton F F2029 54/288 19/57
193 1:18:21 5:14 111 Marc Dowdell Edmonton M M3039 139/280 33/70
194 1:18:21 5:14 107 Colleen Doak Edmonton F F3039 55/288 12/78
195 1:18:41 5:15 50 Rachel Bryant Stony Plain F F0119 56/288 3/8
196 1:18:43 5:15 411 Erin Rezansoff Edmonton F F2029 57/288 20/57
197 1:18:48 5:16 295 Jack Littleton Sherwood Park M M5059 140/280 33/71
198 1:18:49 5:16 548 Ryan Young Edmonton M M3039 141/280 34/70
199 1:18:52 5:16 395 Lucy Preisler Edmonton F F4049 58/288 17/85
200 1:18:53 5:16 8 Natalie Anton Edmonton F F4049 59/288 18/85
201 1:18:58 5:16 485 David Tan Toronto M M3039 142/280 35/70
202 1:19:00 5:16 263 Rhonda Kowal Edmonton F F3039 60/288 13/78
203 1:19:03 5:17 475 Paula Strean Edmonton F F4049 61/288 19/85
204 1:19:05 5:17 55 Clint Busenius Edmonton M M3039 143/280 36/70
205 1:19:06 5:17 17 Luis Barata EDMONTON M M4049 144/280 39/70
206 1:19:06 5:17 419 Chris Rivera Edmonton M M2029 145/280 31/45
207 1:19:11 5:17 500 Mafiz Uddin Edmonton M M4049 146/280 40/70
208 1:19:15 5:17 153 Charline Gauthier Winter Park F F4049 62/288 20/85
209 1:19:17 5:18 52 Royce Bugera spruce grove M M4049 147/280 41/70
210 1:19:39 5:19 230 Monica Johnson edmonton F F4049 63/288 21/85
211 1:19:40 5:19 71 Linda Cirka Edmonton F F5059 64/288 5/51
212 1:19:43 5:19 298 Chris Lord Edmonton M M60+ 148/280 5/21
213 1:19:47 5:20 823 Michelle Friese Beamont F F3039 65/288 14/78
214 1:19:48 5:20 187 Cliff Higuchi Edmonton M M5059 149/280 34/71
215 1:19:49 5:20 414 Dawn Richards Toronto F F3039 66/288 15/78
216 1:19:51 5:20 901 David Curran CALGARY M M3039 150/280 37/70
217 1:19:52 5:20 86 Sean Curran St. Albert M M3039 151/280 38/70
218 1:19:57 5:20 881 Kristin Graves 11025 83 AVE F F2029 67/288 21/57
219 1:20:00 5:20 132 Gordon Fehr Edmonton M M5059 152/280 35/71
220 1:20:05 5:21 260 Lara Korpan Edmonton F F2029 68/288 22/57
221 1:20:13 5:21 40 Michael Boychuk Edmonton M M4049 153/280 42/70
222 1:20:21 5:22 78 Chelsea Corbett Edmonton F F2029 69/288 23/57
223 1:20:21 5:22 79 Colin Corbett Edmonton M M3039 154/280 39/70
224 1:20:32 5:23 353 Sharon Mellott Edmonton F F2029 70/288 24/57
225 1:20:35 5:23 398 William Pylypow Edmonton M M5059 155/280 36/71
226 1:20:41 5:23 49 Kathy Bryant Stony Plain F F5059 71/288 6/51
227 1:20:47 5:24 83 Gordon Cross Beaumont M M3039 156/280 40/70
228 1:20:47 5:24 896 Courtney Ireland EDMONTON F F2029 72/288 25/57
229 1:20:53 5:24 179 Trevor Hawkins Edmonton M M3039 157/280 41/70
230 1:20:53 5:24 510 Murray Walford Edmonton M M5059 158/280 37/71
231 1:20:55 5:24 13 Kim Baden Edmonton F F4049 73/288 22/85
232 1:20:55 5:24 244 Greg Kelly Sherwood park M M2029 159/280 32/45
233 1:20:58 5:24 182 Murray Heap Sherwood Park M M5059 160/280 38/71
234 1:21:06 5:25 223 Alyssa Jeter Edmonton F F2029 74/288 26/57
235 1:21:18 5:26 466 Terri-Lynn Stephenson Sherwood Park F F2029 75/288 27/57
236 1:21:18 5:26 146 Brem Frentz Edmonton M M5059 161/280 39/71
237 1:21:20 5:26 549 Jennifer Yue Edmonton F F3039 76/288 16/78
238 1:21:26 5:26 216 Holly James Edmonton F F5059 77/288 7/51
239 1:21:29 5:26 553 Lonnie Zwaigenbaum Edmonton M M4049 162/280 43/70
240 1:21:35 5:27 533 Reid Wilkins Edmonton M M3039 163/280 42/70
241 1:21:38 5:27 226 Dale Johnson Edmonton M M4049 164/280 44/70
242 1:21:42 5:27 250 Les Kirchner Edmonton M M4049 165/280 45/70
243 1:21:44 5:27 934 Paula Searle Camrose F F3039 78/288 17/78
244 1:21:48 5:28 16 Heidi Banasch Edmonton F F2029 79/288 28/57
245 1:21:48 5:28 487 Alison Taylor Edmonton F F5059 80/288 8/51
246 1:21:51 5:28 446 Jamie Shaw Edmonton F F3039 81/288 18/78
247 1:21:53 5:28 447 Trevor Shaw Edmonton M M3039 166/280 43/70
248 1:21:54 5:28 69 Philip Chow Edmonton M M2029 167/280 33/45
249 1:22:12 5:29 346 Gloria McLennan Edmonton F F5059 82/288 9/51
250 1:22:15 5:29 9 Jaclyn Arduini Edmonton F F2029 83/288 29/57
251 1:22:20 5:30 384 Randall Penney Edmonton M M60+ 168/280 6/21
252 1:22:21 5:30 85 Beryl Cullum Sherwood Park F F4049 84/288 23/85
253 1:22:27 5:30 918 Greg Michetti Edmonton M M60+ 169/280 7/21
254 1:22:38 5:31 349 Carrie McMillan Edmonton F F3039 85/288 19/78
255 1:22:49 5:32 525 George Wenzel Edmonton M M3039 170/280 44/70
256 1:22:52 5:32 319 Mike Mariano edmonton M M4049 171/280 46/70
257 1:22:58 5:32 154 Leanne Gauthier Wetaskiwin F F5059 86/288 10/51
258 1:22:58 5:32 64 Kulwant Chaudhary Edmonton F F4049 87/288 24/85
259 1:23:04 5:33 439 Phil Schmidt St.Albert M M5059 172/280 40/71
260 1:23:05 5:33 82 Pat Coulson Edmonton M M60+ 173/280 8/21
261 1:23:09 5:33 536 Rob Wilson Lloydminster M M3039 174/280 45/70
262 1:23:09 5:33 496 Garry Townsend St. Paul M M5059 175/280 41/71
263 1:23:19 5:34 413 Darin Richards Edmonton M M4049 176/280 47/70
264 1:23:27 5:34 166 Rhetta Grant St. Albert F F3039 88/288 20/78
265 1:23:28 5:34 62 Abigail Cayanga St Albert F F3039 89/288 21/78
266 1:23:40 5:35 272 David Lake Edmonton M M5059 177/280 42/71
267 1:23:41 5:35 430 Ken Ruller Calgary M M5059 178/280 43/71
268 1:23:42 5:35 207 Karon Huising Edmonton F F4049 90/288 25/85
269 1:23:48 5:36 497 Lucille Townsend St. Paul F F4049 91/288 26/85
270 1:23:49 5:36 452 Richard Skura Edmonton M M4049 179/280 48/70
271 1:23:58 5:36 112 Kyle Dowdeswell Sherwood Park M M4049 180/280 49/70
272 1:23:58 5:36 435 Colin Saby Edmonton M M3039 181/280 46/70
273 1:24:00 5:36 449 Frederic Simard lancaster park M M3039 182/280 47/70
274 1:24:01 5:37 247 Deborah Kershaw Edmonton F F3039 92/288 22/78
275 1:24:08 5:37 526 Jared Wesley Edmonton M M3039 183/280 48/70
276 1:24:08 5:37 544 Xu Yao Edmonton M M3039 184/280 49/70
277 1:24:12 5:37 324 Tyson Mastel Edmonton M M3039 185/280 50/70
278 1:24:14 5:37 213 Edison Iturriaga Edmonton M M5059 186/280 44/71
279 1:24:23 5:38 303 James L'Heureux Edmonton M M3039 187/280 51/70
280 1:24:24 5:38 858 Lori Wolfe Edmonton F F4049 93/288 27/85
281 1:24:27 5:38 243 Carol Kelly Sherwood Park F F4049 94/288 28/85
282 1:24:30 5:38 908 Shelly Reddy EDMONTON F F3039 95/288 23/78
283 1:24:30 5:38 551 Jurek Zlotowski edmonton M M5059 188/280 45/71
284 1:24:32 5:39 197 Carol Holod Edmonton F F4049 96/288 29/85
285 1:24:35 5:39 269 Peter Kwan Edmonton M M60+ 189/280 9/21
286 1:24:40 5:39 410 Norm Repato st.albert M M4049 190/280 50/70
287 1:24:41 5:39 149 Christopher Gaigneur Edmonton M M2029 191/280 34/45
288 1:24:45 5:39 131 Jamie Fearon Onoway F F3039 97/288 24/78
289 1:25:06 5:41 318 Brian Marcotte Edmonton M M60+ 192/280 10/21
290 1:25:15 5:41 898 Guy Girtel EDMONTON M M5059 193/280 46/71
291 1:25:15 5:41 137 Shauna Finlay Edmonton F F3039 98/288 25/78
292 1:25:19 5:42 843 Tyler Pfeiffer Edmonton M M4049 194/280 51/70
293 1:25:25 5:42 461 June Stafford Wainwright F F5059 99/288 11/51
294 1:25:28 5:42 198 Miranda Holowchak Edmonton F F3039 100/288 26/78
295 1:25:29 5:42 48 Dianne Brox Edmonton F F60+ 101/288 3/9
296 1:25:35 5:43 822 Rob Gibson sherwood park M M4049 195/280 52/70
297 1:25:36 5:43 190 Lynda Hill Edmonton F F3039 102/288 27/78
298 1:25:36 5:43 4 Karly Achtymichuk Edmonton F F2029 103/288 30/57
299 1:25:38 5:43 421 David Robin St. Albert M M5059 196/280 47/71
300 1:25:44 5:43 44 Bernice Brewster Edmonton F F5059 104/288 12/51
301 1:25:46 5:44 821 Simon Wilson Edmonton M M4049 197/280 53/70
302 1:25:49 5:44 155 Catherine Gerhardt Sherwood Park F F4049 105/288 30/85
303 1:25:51 5:44 284 Lauren Lefaivre Edmonton F F2029 106/288 31/57
304 1:26:00 5:44 121 Laura Ebbern Edmonton F F2029 107/288 32/57
305 1:26:00 5:44 366 Gordon Mowat Edmonton M M60+ 198/280 11/21
306 1:26:08 5:45 861 Joe Wasala Edmonton M M5059 199/280 48/71
307 1:26:13 5:45 135 Merissa Feraco Batiuk Edmonton F F3039 108/288 28/78
308 1:26:21 5:46 23 Jeff Bender Edmonton M M3039 200/280 52/70
309 1:26:22 5:46 375 Carolle Oneil Rockville F F4049 109/288 31/85
310 1:26:28 5:46 511 Susan Walz Edmonton F F3039 110/288 29/78
311 1:26:31 5:47 114 Tom Dresser Edmonton M M60+ 201/280 12/21
312 1:26:32 5:47 879 Scott Rempel EDMONTON M M4049 202/280 54/70
313 1:26:37 5:47 870 Dawnelle Topstad CALGARY F F4049 111/288 32/85
314 1:26:46 5:48 834 Leon Gerritse edmonton M M4049 203/280 55/70
315 1:26:50 5:48 248 Ashlie King Edmonton F F3039 112/288 30/78
316 1:27:03 5:49 181 Linda Hayes Edmonton F F3039 113/288 31/78
317 1:27:10 5:49 224 Shaif Jetha edmonton M M4049 204/280 56/70
318 1:27:13 5:49 862 Susan Ward-Cornish Edmonton F F5059 114/288 13/51
319 1:27:22 5:50 152 Doug Garbutt Sherwood Park M M5059 205/280 49/71
320 1:27:26 5:50 338 Jennifer McFarlane Edmonton F F2029 115/288 33/57
321 1:27:30 5:50 835 Douglas Tokaryk Edmonton M M5059 206/280 50/71
322 1:27:32 5:51 7 Rick Angus Edmonton M M4049 207/280 57/70
323 1:27:35 5:51 547 Jennifer Young Edmonton F F3039 116/288 32/78
324 1:27:36 5:51 148 Debbie Gable Edmonton F F4049 117/288 33/85
325 1:27:39 5:51 540 Randy Wolstenholm St Albert M M5059 208/280 51/71
326 1:27:41 5:51 103 Danielle Devenney Edmonton F F2029 118/288 34/57
327 1:27:45 5:51 434 Jennifer Rutledge Edmonton F F4049 119/288 34/85
328 1:27:48 5:52 541 Connie Wong Edmonton F F3039 120/288 33/78
329 1:27:48 5:52 385 Connie Peters Sherwood Park F F60+ 121/288 4/9
330 1:28:05 5:53 259 Ian Korpan Edmonton M M2029 209/280 35/45
331 1:28:05 5:53 826 Sylviane Wallace Edmonton F F5059 122/288 14/51
332 1:28:13 5:53 180 Lawrence Hawrelak edmonton M M60+ 210/280 13/21
333 1:28:17 5:54 913 Joanna Higgins Edmonton F F3039 123/288 34/78
334 1:28:22 5:54 529 Jessica Whitehead Edmonton F F3039 124/288 35/78
335 1:28:25 5:54 241 Stephanie Keeling Leduc County F F3039 125/288 36/78
336 1:28:29 5:54 448 Alan Shea Edmonton M M3039 211/280 53/70
337 1:28:34 5:55 542 Len Wong Edmonton M M5059 212/280 52/71
338 1:28:34 5:55 386 Tara Lee Peters edmonton F F4049 126/288 35/85
339 1:28:38 5:55 257 Sid Kobewka St. Albert M M5059 213/280 53/71
340 1:28:46 5:56 217 Fleur Jamieson sherwood park F F5059 127/288 15/51
341 1:28:50 5:56 486 Christopher Taskey Edmonton M M5059 214/280 54/71
342 1:28:59 5:56 523 Charlene Weiss Edmonton F F4049 128/288 36/85
343 1:28:59 5:56 480 Pam Switzer Busby F F4049 129/288 37/85
344 1:29:05 5:57 354 Lisa Mentz Edmonton F F3039 130/288 37/78
345 1:29:10 5:57 3 Daniel Acheson Edmonton M M60+ 215/280 14/21
346 1:29:11 5:57 829 James Tower EDMONTON M M5059 216/280 55/71
347 1:29:15 5:57 795 Wilah Panogalinog whitecourt F F3039 131/288 38/78
348 1:29:16 5:58 139 Grant Flory St. Albert M M4049 217/280 58/70
349 1:29:21 5:58 362 Cassandra Montour Edmonton F F3039 132/288 39/78
350 1:29:23 5:58 70 Heather Christensen Sherwood Park F F4049 133/288 38/85
351 1:29:24 5:58 255 Leann Kleininger Grande Prairie F F4049 134/288 39/85
352 1:29:27 5:58 493 Wendy Toews Lloydminster F F2029 135/288 35/57
353 1:29:30 5:58 273 Garth Lane St. Albert M M5059 218/280 56/71
354 1:29:33 5:59 60 Marc Carnes Edmonton M M3039 219/280 54/70
355 1:29:36 5:59 88 Beverley Dalgleish Edm F F4049 136/288 40/85
356 1:29:43 5:59 26 Judy Bertie Edmonton F F5059 137/288 16/51
357 1:29:45 5:59 880 Kevin Tilley SHERWOOD PARK M M4049 220/280 59/70
358 1:29:49 5:60 185 Ken Herbert Edmonton M M5059 221/280 57/71
359 1:29:53 5:60 469 Janice Stolz Fort Saskatchewan F F4049 138/288 41/85
360 1:30:04 6:01 72 Ray Clare Sturgeon County M M5059 222/280 58/71
361 1:30:06 6:01 441 James Schofield Edmonton M M2029 223/280 36/45
362 1:30:08 6:01 264 Brenda Krieger Sherwood Park F F4049 139/288 42/85
363 1:30:13 6:01 489 Nadine Terpstra Red Deer F F4049 140/288 43/85
364 1:30:14 6:01 443 Sally Schuh Edmonton F F3039 141/288 40/78
365 1:30:17 6:02 361 Jim Montgomery Edmonton M M5059 224/280 59/71
366 1:30:18 6:02 306 Colin MacDonald Edmonton M M2029 225/280 37/45
367 1:30:18 6:02 290 Celine Lepage Edmonton F F2029 142/288 36/57
368 1:30:19 6:02 453 Cheryl Smit Sherwood Park F F4049 143/288 44/85
369 1:30:31 6:03 467 Alix Steward EDMONTON F F5059 144/288 17/51
370 1:30:40 6:03 517 David Ward Edmonton M M5059 226/280 60/71
371 1:30:42 6:03 514 Annette Ward Edmonton F F5059 145/288 18/51
372 1:30:43 6:03 450 Doug Simpson Medicine hat M M4049 227/280 60/70
373 1:30:49 6:04 392 Charissa Pockett Edmonton F F3039 146/288 41/78
374 1:30:52 6:04 144 Lloyd Franchuk Edmonton M M5059 228/280 61/71
375 1:31:07 6:05 488 Leanne Telford St Albert F F5059 147/288 19/51
376 1:31:15 6:05 249 Lesley King Sherwood Park F F3039 148/288 42/78
377 1:31:17 6:06 189 Kye Hill Sherwood Park M M4049 229/280 61/70
378 1:31:33 6:07 177 Gillian Harvey edmonton F F3039 149/288 43/78
379 1:31:46 6:08 484 Doris Tachuk Edmonton F F60+ 150/288 5/9
380 1:31:55 6:08 532 June Wiersma Sherwood Park F F5059 151/288 20/51
381 1:31:55 6:08 172 Twyla Hale St. Albert F F4049 152/288 45/85
382 1:31:56 6:08 25 Kim Berthiaume Ardrossan F F4049 153/288 46/85
383 1:31:56 6:08 437 Brad Salomons Edmonton M M3039 230/280 55/70
384 1:32:02 6:09 550 Amy Yuen Edmonton F F4049 154/288 47/85
385 1:32:12 6:09 5 Ken Amesbury St Albert M M4049 231/280 62/70
386 1:32:16 6:10 416 Richard Richards Smoky Lake M M4049 232/280 63/70
387 1:32:23 6:10 125 Alan Elliott St. Albert M M4049 233/280 64/70
388 1:32:24 6:10 43 Tina Brenner Edmonton F F3039 155/288 44/78
389 1:32:26 6:10 291 Catrina Lesburg Morinville F F3039 156/288 45/78
390 1:32:26 6:10 301 Jennifer Love Morinville F F3039 157/288 46/78
391 1:32:27 6:10 274 Leilani Langer Beaumont F F3039 158/288 47/78
392 1:32:41 6:11 41 Steven Boyko edmonton M M3039 234/280 56/70
393 1:32:58 6:12 521 Kurt Weare Edmonton M M3039 235/280 57/70
394 1:33:01 6:13 495 Julia Townell Edmonton F F4049 159/288 48/85
395 1:33:14 6:13 323 Hugh Mason Edmonton M M5059 236/280 62/71
396 1:33:22 6:14 505 Monique Van-Crasbeek Edmonton F F5059 160/288 21/51
397 1:33:27 6:14 460 Kimberly St.Andre-Brady Beaumont F F3039 161/288 48/78
398 1:33:27 6:14 451 Jason Singh Spruce Grove M M2029 237/280 38/45
399 1:33:41 6:15 61 Laurie Lynn Caron Sherwood Park F F5059 162/288 22/51
400 1:33:47 6:16 456 Sefton Smith Ponoka M M4049 238/280 65/70
401 1:33:55 6:16 27 Dave Bertsch leduc M M3039 239/280 58/70
402 1:33:55 6:16 184 Candace Henry Leduc F F4049 163/288 49/85
403 1:34:01 6:17 345 Lori McLachlin Edmonton F F4049 164/288 50/85
404 1:34:05 6:17 42 Linda Brad Fort Saskatchewan F F4049 165/288 51/85
405 1:34:06 6:17 99 April Deciembre Edmonton F F2029 166/288 37/57
406 1:34:08 6:17 342 Kate McIver Edmonton F F3039 167/288 49/78
407 1:34:11 6:17 853 Ann Aiken Edmonton F F3039 168/288 50/78
408 1:34:14 6:17 376 Andrea Ongaro Edmonton F F2029 169/288 38/57
409 1:34:14 6:17 210 Cindy Husieff Fort Saskatchewan F F5059 170/288 23/51
410 1:34:18 6:18 524 Linda Wells edmonton F F5059 171/288 24/51
411 1:34:27 6:18 412 Charlene Ribeiro Edmonton F F2029 172/288 39/57
412 1:34:27 6:18 894 Andy Yau EDMONTON M M3039 240/280 59/70
413 1:34:47 6:20 221 Lisa Jervis Beaumont F F2029 173/288 40/57
414 1:34:55 6:20 283 Janice Lees Sherwood Park F F3039 174/288 51/78
415 1:35:02 6:21 444 Shannon Shapka Edmonton F F4049 175/288 52/85
416 1:35:26 6:22 502 Catherine Valencia Edmonton F F4049 176/288 53/85
417 1:35:27 6:22 106 Trish Dingman Edmonton F F4049 177/288 54/85
418 1:35:29 6:22 35 Pierre Boucher Edmonton M M5059 241/280 63/71
419 1:35:30 6:22 94 Stuart Davison Sherwood Park M M60+ 242/280 15/21
420 1:35:32 6:23 222 Kristen Jervis Cacka Beaumont F F2029 178/288 41/57
421 1:35:38 6:23 539 Shelly Wold Edmonton F F4049 179/288 55/85
422 1:35:43 6:23 97 Conny De Vos Edmonton F F4049 180/288 56/85
423 1:36:00 6:24 501 Matthew Urbanowski Edmonton M M3039 243/280 60/70
424 1:36:01 6:25 1 Nicole Abbott Edmonton F F2029 181/288 42/57
425 1:36:02 6:25 193 Kelly Hollman edmonton F F4049 182/288 57/85
426 1:36:04 6:25 206 Jerry Hubert Beaumont M M3039 244/280 61/70
427 1:36:05 6:25 895 Penny Reynolds EDMONTON F F5059 183/288 25/51
428 1:36:05 6:25 381 Jennifer Parker Fort Saskatchewan F F4049 184/288 58/85
429 1:36:08 6:25 535 Jason Wilshusen Edmonton M M3039 245/280 62/70
430 1:36:11 6:25 173 Camille Hamula Edmonton F F3039 185/288 52/78
431 1:36:24 6:26 315 Sandy Makaryshyn Beaumont F F4049 186/288 59/85
432 1:36:25 6:26 921 Carl Pederson Edmonton M M3039 246/280 63/70
433 1:36:26 6:26 798 Reg Speers Olds M M3039 247/280 64/70
434 1:36:43 6:27 377 Krystyna Orzechowska edmonton F F2029 187/288 43/57
435 1:36:48 6:28 379 Shelbi Paradis Edmonton F F0119 188/288 4/8
436 1:36:51 6:28 329 Kelly McCheyne Ponoka M M4049 248/280 66/70
437 1:37:05 6:29 471 Ally Stone Edmonton F F3039 189/288 53/78
438 1:37:07 6:29 433 Geri Ruston Edmonton F F3039 190/288 54/78
439 1:37:09 6:29 938 Mukesh Sekar Edmonton M M3039 249/280 65/70
440 1:37:14 6:29 364 Carol Morhart Sherwood Park F F3039 191/288 55/78
441 1:37:25 6:30 160 Ramola Goguen Edmonton F F3039 192/288 56/78
442 1:37:26 6:30 98 Colleen Deane Edmonton F F5059 193/288 26/51
443 1:37:44 6:31 358 Peter Miller Edmonton M M5059 250/280 64/71
444 1:37:54 6:32 538 Paula Woelfle St. Albert F F2029 194/288 44/57
445 1:37:55 6:32 77 Karen Cooke Edmonton F F4049 195/288 60/85
446 1:37:55 6:32 262 Wilma Kosik Calgary F F5059 196/288 27/51
447 1:37:58 6:32 401 Nick Radke Edmonton M M2029 251/280 39/45
448 1:37:58 6:32 827 Calvin Elias Edmonton M M2029 252/280 40/45
449 1:38:00 6:32 117 Katherine Duthie Edmonton F F3039 197/288 57/78
450 1:38:02 6:33 459 Lori Spence Edmonton F F4049 198/288 61/85
451 1:38:04 6:33 370 Michelle Naylor Edmonton F F4049 199/288 62/85
452 1:38:20 6:34 286 Dominique Leger Edmonton F F2029 200/288 45/57
453 1:38:31 6:35 276 Donna Larsen Edmonton F F4049 201/288 63/85
454 1:38:31 6:35 162 Terry Gordon St Albert M M60+ 253/280 16/21
455 1:38:33 6:35 270 Sabrina Kwon Edmonton F F3039 202/288 58/78
456 1:38:42 6:35 322 Shannon Maryniak Edmonton F F3039 203/288 59/78
457 1:39:02 6:37 110 Marci Doroshuk Edmonton F F3039 204/288 60/78
458 1:39:06 6:37 845 Nancy Lastiwka Edmonton F F4049 205/288 64/85
459 1:39:07 6:37 369 Mavis Nathoo Edmonton F F5059 206/288 28/51
460 1:39:26 6:38 158 Kim Gillespie Edmonton F F2029 207/288 46/57
461 1:39:32 6:39 494 Vicki Tonowski Edmonton F F5059 208/288 29/51
462 1:39:32 6:39 299 Klara Lorinczi Edmonton F F4049 209/288 65/85
463 1:39:32 6:39 167 Donna Gray edmonton F F5059 210/288 30/51
464 1:39:38 6:39 231 Glen Johnston Edmonton M M5059 254/280 65/71
465 1:39:38 6:39 341 Sharon McInnes St. Albert F F5059 211/288 31/51
466 1:39:41 6:39 869 Lumsden Paul COMOX M M4049 255/280 67/70
467 1:39:54 6:40 513 Dominika Warchol Unit 1105 F F2029 212/288 47/57
468 1:40:02 6:41 208 Elizabeth Humphreys Edmonton F F5059 213/288 32/51
469 1:40:14 6:41 552 Christina Zschocke Edmonton F F3039 214/288 61/78
470 1:40:32 6:43 219 Tina Janke Edmonton F F4049 215/288 66/85
471 1:40:32 6:43 393 Holly Pon Edmonton F F4049 216/288 67/85
472 1:40:50 6:44 317 Sarah March Abbotsford F F0119 217/288 5/8
473 1:40:50 6:44 332 Sandra McCrimmon Edmonton F F5059 218/288 33/51
474 1:40:59 6:44 168 Dawn Green Sherwood Park F F5059 219/288 34/51
475 1:41:01 6:45 102 Claire Derepentigny St-Albert F F5059 220/288 35/51
476 1:41:02 6:45 828 Brenda Nobles St. Albert F F5059 221/288 36/51
477 1:41:04 6:45 530 George Whyte St. Albert M M4049 256/280 68/70
478 1:41:04 6:45 331 Lorraine McCrimmon Edmonton F F5059 222/288 37/51
479 1:41:09 6:45 518 Jennifer Ward Edmonton F F0119 223/288 6/8
480 1:41:13 6:45 454 John Smit Sherwood Park M M5059 257/280 66/71
481 1:41:30 6:46 431 Tanya Ruman Edmonton F F3039 224/288 62/78
482 1:41:31 6:47 477 Shang Su Fort Nelson M M60+ 258/280 17/21
483 1:41:32 6:47 174 Ashley Harrington Sherwood Park F F2029 225/288 48/57
484 1:42:01 6:49 420 Jim Robb Edmonton M M60+ 259/280 18/21
485 1:42:18 6:50 336 Juliette McDonald Edmonton F F4049 226/288 68/85
486 1:42:24 6:50 897 Shirl Ann Ireland EDMONTON F F4049 227/288 69/85
487 1:42:29 6:50 54 Paula Burns St. Albert F F4049 228/288 70/85
488 1:42:39 6:51 251 Jessica Kirkwood Edmonton F F3039 229/288 63/78
489 1:42:39 6:51 204 Monique Hrushka Edmonton F F4049 230/288 71/85
490 1:43:12 6:53 265 Carol Kuang Calgary F F2029 231/288 49/57
491 1:43:18 6:54 399 Myrne Quaale Edmonton F F5059 232/288 38/51
492 1:43:20 6:54 348 Vida McLeod EDMONTON F F5059 233/288 39/51
493 1:43:34 6:55 59 John Campbell Edmonton M M5059 260/280 67/71
494 1:43:50 6:56 127 Haley England Sturgeon County F F0119 234/288 7/8
495 1:43:51 6:56 126 Denise England Sturgeon County F F4049 235/288 72/85
496 1:44:02 6:57 432 Beverley Rushton Edmonton F F4049 236/288 73/85
497 1:44:21 6:58 302 Lina Lu Edmonton F F4049 237/288 74/85
498 1:44:31 6:59 288 Kathryn Lennon Edmonton F F2029 238/288 50/57
499 1:44:32 6:59 796 Drea Scornaienchi Edmonton F F4049 239/288 75/85
500 1:44:33 6:59 794 Luigi Scornaienchi Edmonton M M4049 261/280 69/70
501 1:44:53 6:60 876 Geoff Brockelsby EDMONTON M M2029 262/280 41/45
502 1:44:56 6:60 225 Anne Johnson Edmonton M M2029 263/280 42/45
503 1:44:57 6:60 21 Judy Beaumont st.albert F F5059 240/288 40/51
504 1:45:05 7:01 130 Kathryne Faccenda Edmonton F F4049 241/288 76/85
505 1:45:14 7:01 378 Kerri Paradis Edmonton F F4049 242/288 77/85
506 1:45:43 7:03 357 Sinead Midgley Edmonton F F0119 243/288 8/8
507 1:45:43 7:03 356 Peter Midgley Edmonton M M4049 264/280 70/70
508 1:45:48 7:04 30 Kerry Blake St. Albert F F5059 244/288 41/51
509 1:45:56 7:04 169 Carrie Griko Leduc F F3039 245/288 64/78
510 1:46:16 7:06 360 Sharon Milner Edmonton F F60+ 246/288 6/9
511 1:46:16 7:06 31 Jennifer Blum Edmonton F F4049 247/288 78/85
512 1:46:17 7:06 537 Lindsay Wodinski Edmoton F F2029 248/288 51/57
513 1:46:22 7:06 462 Angie Staley Edmonton F F3039 249/288 65/78
514 1:46:41 7:07 491 Pam Timanson Edmonton F F3039 250/288 66/78
515 1:47:00 7:08 157 Rajvir Gill Edmonton F F2029 251/288 52/57
516 1:47:00 7:08 104 Navdeep Dhaliwal Edmonton M M2029 265/280 43/45
517 1:47:02 7:09 504 Myriam Van Diest Edmonton F F60+ 252/288 7/9
518 1:47:13 7:09 65 Corey Chevraux Edmonton M M3039 266/280 66/70
519 1:47:13 7:09 138 Kelly Flasha Edmonton F F3039 253/288 67/78
520 1:47:30 7:10 119 Deborah Dyer Edmonton F F5059 254/288 42/51
521 1:47:30 7:10 428 Rhonda Rosychuk Edmonton F F4049 255/288 79/85
522 1:47:39 7:11 200 Christy Holtby Edmonton F F3039 256/288 68/78
523 1:48:11 7:13 310 Margaret MacLeod Edmonton F F60+ 257/288 8/9
524 1:48:52 7:16 473 Melaney Storozynski EDMONTON F F3039 258/288 69/78
525 1:48:53 7:16 422 Sabrina Rock St. Albert F F3039 259/288 70/78
526 1:49:14 7:17 851 Ellen Ticoll Edmonton F F60+ 260/288 9/9
527 1:50:12 7:21 287 Joseph Lennon edmonton M M60+ 267/280 19/21
528 1:50:34 7:23 508 Frederick Vuong Edmonton M M2029 268/280 44/45
529 1:50:37 7:23 289 Lisa Lenuik St. Albert F F4049 261/288 80/85
530 1:51:07 7:25 56 Joan Bush Sherwood Park F F5059 262/288 43/51
531 1:52:17 7:30 163 Shelley Gosse Edmonton F F4049 263/288 81/85
532 1:52:23 7:30 266 Beth Kuban Sherwood Park F F2029 264/288 53/57
533 1:53:28 7:34 215 Fiona Jaffray Edmonton F F4049 265/288 82/85
534 1:53:30 7:34 20 Tim Barker Edmonton M M3039 269/280 67/70
535 1:53:36 7:35 211 Toan Huynh Edmonton M M3039 270/280 68/70
536 1:53:48 7:36 859 Lisa Johnson Sturgeon County F F3039 266/288 71/78
537 1:53:53 7:36 203 Emma Houghton edmonton F F2029 267/288 54/57
538 1:54:02 7:37 37 George Boulay Edmonton M M5059 271/280 68/71
539 1:54:03 7:37 36 Anika Boulay Edmonton F F2029 268/288 55/57
540 1:54:05 7:37 350 Anne McMullin Calgary F F2029 269/288 56/57
541 1:54:13 7:37 328 Karen McAmmond Edmonton F F5059 270/288 44/51
542 1:54:17 7:38 509 Kori Obi Wahs Edmonton M M3039 272/280 69/70
543 1:55:47 7:44 388 Mila Philipzig Edmonton F F5059 271/288 45/51
544 1:55:48 7:44 109 Ana Dominguez EDMONTON F F4049 272/288 83/85
545 1:56:01 7:45 330 Carmen McConnell Edmonton F F5059 273/288 46/51
546 1:56:47 7:48 492 Justin Timms Edmonton M M2029 273/280 45/45
547 1:56:52 7:48 143 Connie Franchuk Edmonton F F5059 274/288 47/51
548 1:57:38 7:51 543 Corey Wren Edmonton M M3039 274/280 70/70
549 1:58:01 7:53 464 Ed Steinbring Edmonton M M5059 275/280 69/71
550 1:58:02 7:53 465 Pamela Steinbring Edmonton F F2029 275/288 57/57
551 1:59:17 7:58 229 Melanie Johnson Didsbury F F3039 276/288 72/78
552 2:00:01 8:01 28 Raemonde Bezenar St. Albert F F4049 277/288 84/85
553 2:00:36 8:03 194 Doyle Holloway Edmonton M M0119 276/280 3/3
554 2:01:34 8:07 116 Terence Dunn Edmonnton M M60+ 277/280 20/21
555 2:02:18 8:10 506 Camille Vanzella edmonton M M60+ 278/280 21/21
556 2:02:44 8:11 46 John Bringas Edmonton M M5059 279/280 70/71
557 2:03:12 8:13 113 Mary Doyle Edmonton F F4049 278/288 85/85
558 2:04:21 8:18 129 Bev Ethier Edmonton F F5059 279/288 48/51
559 2:07:23 8:30 73 Heidi Clement St. Albert F F3039 280/288 73/78
560 2:07:33 8:31 373 Caroline Nolan Edmonton F F3039 281/288 74/78
561 2:09:30 8:38 426 Melissa Ror-Chow Edmonton F F3039 282/288 75/78
562 2:09:30 8:38 425 Catherine Ror Edmonton F F5059 283/288 49/51
563 2:15:13 9:01 294 Garnet Lewis Edmonton M M5059 280/280 71/71
564 2:20:44 9:23 212 Teresa Hymanyk Ardrossan F F3039 284/288 76/78
565 2:20:45 9:23 424 Heather Rogoza Carvel F F3039 285/288 77/78
566 2:23:35 9:35 924 Erin Keefe Edmonton F F3039 286/288 78/78
567 2:28:18 9:54 233 Claire Jones San Diego F F5059 287/288 50/51
568 2:28:19 9:54 312 Caroline Madill Edmonton F F5059 288/288 51/51

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